Friday, May 30, 2008

the aims of the "anak ikan"

i've had a very hectic sana ke mari..meetings...audit to add on it...aku jadi sangat penat ok!...while i'm typing this, a colleague of mine is inside the conference room mengadap sang auditor...siksa ku sudah lepas...nasib lah ko..hehehe :D
i wanted to put here about me and my 3 closest frens that i've had since we were in college. theres me (korang tau nama aku apakan), lisa, zie and anna (see that our name takde yg slalu cakap kami geng kerek, where in fact we r not)..we met recently for a get together before lisa leaves us for qatar (kamu semua tau mana itu negara tak?)...i was not supposed to be in the picture as i already told them i'm so busy this week, but last minute i've decided to join...tapi, off course lah AKU LAMBAT!
sampai2 je, diorang bertiga tengah bergelak ketawa dengan kuat nya...after the salam2, hugs2 n kisses2 session, they continue the conversation...kamu tau apakah topic nya? it is about ANAK IKAN :))...bukan ikan yang kecik2 tu..bukan juga ikan yang dipancing utk dilepaskan semula itu ..alaaa...rasanya kamu semua tau apa mende tu..kan? kan? :D
except for zie, all 3 of us are already married...tapi yg lagi 2 tu tetap menten cun macam dulu2 juga (aku jeles tau), seperti tajuk blog ini, mereka telah menjadi bahan aim anak-anak ikan ini lah kan...aku yang tak de anak ikan (not that i want) setakat join gelak je lah...many things tentang anak ikan ni yg dibangkitkan..contohnya...kuat merajuk, mintak tolong financial...asik nak on the phone for call/sms...need attention etc
yang menjadi persoalan aku sekarang ialah :
1. apakah younger guys sekarang memang tak mau couple dengan girls yang their age zone
2. apakah younger guys sekarang tak kisah untuk "berperang" dengan laki2, tunang2 or bf2 orang ni semua
3. apakah yang younger guys sekarang pikir bila mereka "aiming" for the more successful ladies ni
any opinion?

Monday, May 26, 2008

what a weekend

what a weekend that i had...its all started with the postponement of our steering committee meeting to 6pm on! aku ada meeting pukul 6 pada hari jumaat..bara je hati...rosak semua plan for my travelling balik, aku nak balik kampung sebab my relatives buat kenduri kawin...ada 2 weddings, dekat rumah je, about 10mins drive...the other one, kat pahang sana (yg aku tak pernah terpikir nak tanya where exactly)
meeting abis dah dekat kul 9..gedebuk gedebak itu ini, kluar dr ofis dah 9 lebih..balik kemas2..memandi tunggu my bro yang lambat sampai lagi, end up gerak pukul 11 gak...adeh, 3 hours aku drive...pukul 2 baru sampai rumah my parents...aku yg mengantuk dah, terus angkat my boys and tidor...but at 6am, mak aku dah kejut...
mak : bangun lah..kita nak pergi dah ni
aku yg mamai terus cakap : hah? takkan nak pegi rumah mak ngah pagi2 buta ni..kan dekat je tu
mak : tak lah..kita nak pegi rumah pak long rasid
aku : hah? mak ni biar betul..tak cakap pun nak pegi sana...kat mana?
mak : entah, ayah cakap lepas dari jerantut sana
aku : alaaaa mak ni...akak penat lah
mak : bangun je lah..budak2 mak siapkan
aku : ye lah (dengan berat hati tinggalkan katil) :(
as semua org sesiap, aku sempat gak lagi lelapkan mata...last2 pukul 7 baru keluar dr rumah..dan aku terus heading to the passenger seat..dengan muka selamba aku cakap kat ayah "ayah drive, akak tak larat ni, kang langgar tiang"
ayah : iyer lah
stop sarapan kat area serting...then ayah continue drive...aku duk lelapkan mata je..tapi dengar lah dia duk cakap ngan mak..haa dah sampai kemayan..dah sampai triang..dah sampai bera..macam2 tempat lah yang disebut... sampai temerloh aku tak bleh tahan dah..coz its almost 11.00 and kita tak sesampai destination lagi...aku mcm biasa lah..if dengan baju kurung duk dlm kereta lelama memang aku cepat rimas...aku pun bukak mata and buat pertanyaan sengal
aku : kat mana ni ayah?
ayah : baru sampai temerloh
aku : apesal lama sangat baru nak sampai ni? jauh lagi ke? pukul berapa nak sampai?
ayah : hishhh sabar la...ayah pun tak pernah sampai lagi rumah pak long ni (dia baru pindah situ after pencen)
aku : abis tu, tak nak telefon dulu ke
ayah : karang sampai jerantut kita telefon lah
aku terus diam...tengok belakang, mak aku tidur lagi ngan my boys...sambil2 tu tengok scenery sepanjang journey...sungai besar..greens (lots of it)...jalan mcm naik kuda...lubang sana..tampal sini (byk betul aku komplen)...nyesal pulak tak bawak balik kamera..tak boleh amik gambar the nice sceneries
dalam kul 12 gitu sampai jerantut...agak besar gak lah bandar ni...berenti beli air n keropok coz the boys dah bising naper tak sampai2 lagi.
aku pun diarahkan oleh big boss utk call tuan rumah tu...dah la pak long ni bercakap slang pahang..aku yg mendengar ni pun pang pang alang gak...lain yg dia cakap lain yg aku dengar...
he asked me to find simpang yg ada signboard "sungai chan"..pusing2 tak gak jumpa..finally berenti tanya...rupanya "sungai jan"...huhu..sampai esok pun tak jumpa carik sungai chan...then carik simpang bukit embun pulak..adoilahh its batu embun sebenarnya...then simpang kerambit...then baru jumpa simpang mela...ya! tempat yang kita nak pegi ni ialah MELA...dah dekat ngan jeti taman negara...sungguh jauh ke dalam..handphone reception pun tak danish siap buat expression as if hes on a roller coster...dengan sound effect nya sekali...memang siap naik bukit turun bukit
sampai, makan2 then my parents borak2 dengan sedara mara yg ada dalam sejam kita pun gerak nak balik...ingatkan terus balik tapi mak cakap nak singgah rumah adik dia pulak kat mentakab..singgah rumah my aunt...mandi, makan, lelap kejap...sekali nak balik ayah cakap "akak drive pulak ye"...aduhhhhh...nak tak nak capai la kunci kereta...i drove for about an hour, tiba2 ternampak signboard "kampung buntut pulau"...dalam hati..hah sudah, jangan si daniel nampak signbord ni pulak..payah nak explain karang...tak sampai few second dia pun berbunyi "mummy, kenapa nama kampung tu macam tu"...mak dengan ayah aku gelak serentak...hah! jawab la mak ayah oiiii :))
dah more than 4 hours drive, kita pun sampai rumah dlm lebih kurang pukul 11 malam...aku terus angkat the boys to their tilam..masa kemas kereta tgk kat meter yang aku set sebelum gerak dari my house on friday nite tu..hah? its more than 700km aku dah travel dlm 24 hours ni...basuh2 muka...terus tidor
beberapa perkara yang dipelajari :
1. pahang itu sangat besar ok!
2. banyak nama tempat pelik2 dlm negeri pahang yang dijumpai
3. pahang masih full of greeneries
4. i hate pahang road (sori orang pahang)
5. lain kali siasat awal2 mana mak dan ayah nak heret aku pegi...jgn last minute baru tau
dah..mau tidor..mengantuk...karang nak bangun pegi keje

Sunday, May 25, 2008

anak oh anak #7

i've always teased my sons on their pronounciation of words...ya! they have some problems, but not a major one though...still, i wish they could change it...
daniel has problems of enunciating an R properly..he says it with a very thick the words of kereta will sounds like "kegherte"..rumah will sounds like "ghurmah"..and so on...his instruction of " adik, sit pghorpeghly (properly)" always got brushed off by the lil one...whatever words that has a strong R will end up sounds like "gher"...rasa macam nak betulkan je lidah dia ni :))
and for the lil one (danish), i've just realised lately that he did not make a proper sound of an S...his S sounds more like "esh"...his sentence of "baby sayang mummy" sounded more like " baby shayang mummy"...suka is "shuke", saya is "shaya" to him...and this morning he shouted to my mak telling "opah, nyet (her cat) dah lepashhhh"...aduh la
ada orang tanya, kenapa anak-anak aku cakap bunyi begitu...haihhh..tak tau nak explain camne
please, my sons are not orang putih celup..i tried so much to make them sounds like a proper malay ok...dah Tuhan nak kasi diorang mcm tu..apa nak buat lagi..terima dah, dan bersyukur je lah :D

Friday, May 23, 2008

permainan 20 lelaki mengejar sebiji bola - sambungan

pagi semalam before gerak to ofis, tengok the phone ada sms yang belum dibaca. it reads
"hai..i wanna tell who won the game..but then again, i guess u should know it already kan? :))"
dalam hati aku kata "hampeh betul budak ni"
but, my reply was just "dont u dare to call or sms me for at least two weeks"

ada gak lagi yang tak mau paham that i'm not an MU fan..will never be...naaa..nadaaaa
got it?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

the good napkins

i just hope none of us mothers do this to our kids....this is just a joke

My mother taught me to read when I was four years old (her first mistake).
One day, I was in the bathroom and noticed one of the cabinet doors wasajar. I read the box in the cabinet.
I then asked my mother why she was keeping 'napkins' in the bathroom. Didn't they belong in the kitchen?
Not wanting to burden me with unnecessary facts, she told me that thosewere for "special occasions" (her second mistake).
Now fast forward a few months.... It's Thanksgiving Day, and my folksare leaving to pick up my uncle and his wife for dinner. Mom had assignments for all of us while they were gone. Mine was to set the table.
When they returned, my uncle came in first and immediately burst intolaughter. Next, his wife came in, gasped and then began giggling. Then myfather came in and roared with laughter.
Finally, Mom came in. She almost died of embarrassment when she saw each place setting on the table with a "special occasion" Kotex napkin at eachplate, with the fork carefully arranged on top. I had even tucked thelittle tail in so they didn't hang off the edge!!!
My mother asked me why I used these and, of course, my response sent theother adults into further fits of laughter.
"But, Mom, you said they were for special occasions!!!"
Isn't it easier to just tell the truth???
Life is too short for drama...

permainan 20 lelaki mengejar sebiji bola

had this conversation a while ago about the above subject.
him : will u be watching?
me : what? something interesting is it?
him : alaa..the match
me : of?
him : pls do not pretend that u didn't know about it
me : ye lah..apa dia nya? (dlm hati aku, dia ni nak kena maki ni)
him : its the game lah...i know u listened to the radio announcer talking about it this morning ok
me : ye lah..and nope, i will not watch
him : why?
me : u know why!!!
him : ellehhhh...marah la tu
me : ye la..u saja buat i marah kan?
him : so, which team do u think will win...i tak nak tanya which team u nak sokong ok
me : must u ask? (nak kena ketuk kepala dia ni nanti)
him : hehehe (cilaker je bunyi nada dia)
me : u know what...i just wish MU didnt win...and i'll support watever team that plays against them..even it is a team from NS Naza or Jenderata FC ok!!!
him : hahahahaha (gelak stail shetonirrajim)
me : so, what are u waiting for?
him : ok la..ok la...babai
me : k, bye

so there u r...if let say MU win/won, dont ever mention it to me ok...nanti free2 kena marah/maki....hehehe

Sunday, May 11, 2008

anak oh anak #6

owhh this entry is a continuation of the previous one.
balik dari pasar malam aku terus kemas table and ready to eat...switch on the tv..tgh program majalah nurul ain tu travel to gold coast, australia...ada roller coster...theme park..parade etc etc
sampai lah kat cerita about she went to the sea world ke haper jadah ntah (tak ingat sebenarnya)...she touched the tapak sulaiman...explained bla bla bla....
daniel : tapak sulaiman tu dlm english apa mummy?
me : its called star fish
daniel : kenapa nama dia macam tu mummy?
me : sebab shape dia kan mcm star tu...n we consider it is a fish sebab dia duduk kat laut je (haihh dlm hati pening aku nak carik explanation)
daniel : tak, kenapa dlm bahasa melayu nama dia tapak sulaiman tu?
me : hhhmmm (blur n blank)...ntah la..nanti2 kemudian mummy carik jawapan dia lah
danish : bukan lah abang, nama dia bukan tapak sulaiman...nama dia PATRICK
me : warrghahghahahahahaha (gelak besar)
n u all tau tak siapa PATRICK ni?
k, let me tell u is SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS nya best friend kat BIKINI BOTTOM WORLD dalam kartun tu... sons are watching too much kartun...but at least, they can identify that thing which means they understood the cartoon...i dont mind at all
to those yg tak kenal PATRICK...heres the pic of him

anak oh anak #5

dah lama tak buat entry for my, today nak cerita something about them.
last nite, we went to pasar malam...kat sini pasar malam each tuesday n saturday...but normally, i only go to the saturday one je...coz i hate crowded places..sesak nafas..haihhh
as usual, the boys macam biasa mesti akan mintak beli "kepak ayam madu"...sampai kakak yg jual tu pun dah kenal diorang...she even give 10cents discount for each kepak ayam to them (maklum, they ordered n paid to her on their own)...daniel always asked me (i mean prior to last nite if he could get the "bontot ayam" (apa eh in english that thing?) the way, that thing is also honey glazed and me and my hubby both tak makan benda tu, we always said NO...tapi finally last nite, he get to taste that thing sebab kakak tu dgn murah hati kasi free to bite je, dah terus dapat reaction...
daniel : sedaplah mummy
danish : nak rasa lah abang
daniel : nah, sedap adik
danish : take a bite...ahah la sedap
both : nak beli pulak boleh tak mummy
me : NO and terus jalan
hubby : ahah, tak boleh..jom jalan
haihhh..dah nak masuk 34 tahun aku hidup tak pernah makan mende alah bebudak 7 n 5 tahun ni makan dan cakap sedap plak...tak terimagine aku..
then kita terus continue jalan...among the things yg dibeli..keropok lekor and tembikai danish mintak..then mintak buku colouring pulak...3 books = RM5...then daniel pulak mintak beg skolah baru...haihhh..tahun ni je dah tukar beg 3 kali...he said he wants the sling type pulak...siap pilih, macam malas nak layan sangat...tapi dia buat muka kesian pulak..duk kat situ lama jugak lah..lastnya, dia menang...n he choose the colour that he wants...after my husband dah bayar tu, he came to my side, held my hands, smiled and said.."thank you mummy"
owhhh..hatiku jadi terharu

Saturday, May 10, 2008

an appreciation

happy mothers day to all of u ladies who is also a those who soon to be one, trust me, it is one feeling that make u feel great no matter how in deep shiet u are.
my hearts and luvs to u all...take care..jaga diri...kan nak kena jaga anak-anak anda kan?

Thursday, May 8, 2008


am so dammm indipendent and i dont fit into the clingy type of person....i not...

*hilang mood hepi seminggu aku*

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

buku #1.1

hehehe..kan aku dah kata..if its not a medeival (haihh spelling lupa dah) english romantic book, memang lama aku nak abis baca sesatu buku tu
baru sampai page 54...but i'm amazed with the experience of the writer
seems that life in kabul and afghanistan as a whole seems to be so interesting eventhough its limited to one's own compound...
*determined to read at least another 50 pages* hehehehe
wish me luck!

Monday, May 5, 2008

hati ku gembira

hati ku gembira, riang tak terkira :D
berjaya mendapatkan perfume ini tanpa perlu mengeluarkan duit ku sendiri
*mood hepi seminggu*

euphoria crystalline 100ml by cK

Saturday, May 3, 2008

sukan again...this time danish pulak

owhh hari ni sabtu..cuti..sepatutnya tak payah bangun awal sangat...tapi danish sports day hari pagi2 pukul 6 dia dah bangun n wake me up...warrgghhh...mau nangis
woke up, buat breakfst, kejut daniel n the by 7am kita semua dah ready nak keluar to the stadium
sampai sana send him to the tent..diorang ready for perbarisan. after that ada aerobik, baca ikrar etc etc
danish is in the Green house...he took part in the NBA type telematch...the team got 2nd place...but since sukan ni kira by "house colour", so dia dapat lah JOHAN...yeah rumah hijau no1, merah no2, biru no3 and 4th yellow.
here's some of the pics and video of danish and his preschool friends....

gaya seorang juara ahli sukan :D

left, rite, left, rite...bersungguh-sungguh

one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four

the pictures are not in sequence though...malas mau susun..hehehe

Thursday, May 1, 2008

sukan daniel

sabtu 2 weeks ago daniel had his sukan sekolah...i wanted to post the blog about it earlier..tapi duk carik kabel utk download gambar tak jumpa pulak..baru hari ni jumpa
daniel pagi-pagi dah bangun...warghhh...aku malas nak bangun coz its on saturday...but he kept bugging me...daddy cant accompany him as he need to work...haihhh
so, kul 7.30 dah kluar rumah...seb danish tak ikut..kalu tak lagi pening kepala aku
sampai sekolah, send him to the teacher..beratur for the perbarisan...nasib la standard one sukan start awal...i planned to go home stret after he finished his turn...daniel took part in 80mtr dash and sukaneka yg bawak bola kecik dlm ping pong tu
for the dash, he lost..maklum budak semput disuruh lari lelaju..utk sukaneka his team dapat 2nd place...hadiahnya? alahhaaiii..bekas tupperware utk bawak makanan tu..siap dengan fork n spoon nya...

habis je dia ambik his hadiah, aku dengan cepatnya..jom balik...mummy pening ni (hari dah panas) kul 11.30 balik rumah...tidooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrr