Wednesday, April 30, 2008
buku #1
aku baru baca sampai page 20...biar aku kasi habis dulu..nanti aku citer...btw, oleh kerana ini adalah buku yang bukan didalam kategori mediaval english romance...aku rasa akan terlalu lama masa yang diambil utk menghabiskannya..ngeeee :D
terms of endearment
i wanna put my thoughts here about what we call our partner samaada yg current, past or future (??? saja gatal letak future...hehehe)
i've always called them by their name, orang selalu cakap aku seorang yang tidak romantis...kaku...takde penyampai lahiriah etc etc lah yang sukar aku fahami why should u make a fuss about it
terkecuali dengan my hubby (current k!, blum past lagik), yang aku bahasa kan diri aku sebagai saya (see, told ya that i am sopan).....yang lain-lain semua nya aku bahasa diri aku as "my name"...aku seorang yang sangat sopan dlm real life...tak macam aku kat ym atau kat sini (tapi rasanya so far kat sini aku sopan lagi la)....aku tak pernah la lagi panggil lelaki - lelaki itu semua dengan ko, lu, hoi dll yang sewaktu dengannya...
sampai ke hari ini, aku tetap panggil laki aku dengan nama dia je...btw, dah 8 tahun lebih dah pun...before this pun dah beratus kali aku kena tegur dah....peduli apa aku...hehehehe...tapi beberapa hari lepas semasa aku mengunjungi salah seorang saudara beliau (chehhh bahasa...hehehe), seseorang bertanya :
kenapa "my name" panggil "his name" nama je...kenapa tak panggil abang...kan sedap di dengar tu...
huh? what? owhhhh puhhhhhh lisssssss....ewwww.....yuckkkkkkssss (tapi aku senyap je lah buat muka toye)
dalam hati sebenarnya "apesal sibuk?", "suka hati lah" "hishhhh, aku ingat dah lelama ni tak de la org nak tegur lagi"
tak apa lah...saya tetap seorang melayu yang sopan walaupun saya tidak memanggil suami saya dengan panggilan "abang"....lagipun kita sebaya lah...apa kejadahnya aku nak panggil dia abang...tapi tu semua aku bercakap di dalam hati sambil mencuba sedaya upaya aku memaniskan muka untuk menjaga hati orang tu...haihhhh
anak oh anak #4

(mereka menikmati drinks tersebut sampai mulut jadi begitu....hhhmmm, kenapa pulak la mata si danish ni jadi camni)
(thats what chocholate ice blended and oreo milk shake did to my sons)
cerita lain pulak...
sementara tunggu foods sampai si abang mula bercerita tentang apa yang dia buat hari ni...bla bla bla...sampai ke satu topik yang memang selalu kitorang gelak if its being brought up by any of them :))
abang : mummy, nak tau tak apa alia aisya cakap kat fadli? (this fadli boy is danish's classmate)
me : owh...interesting..apa dia cakap?
abang : dia cakap kat fadli dia ada pakwe...(then he laugh)
me : dah tu?
abang : bila fadli tanya siapa pakwe dia, dia cakap danish hazimi
me : hahahahahahahaha
danish : buat muka penyek...then amik sudu nak ketuk kepala abang dia
me : (dlm hati...tak habis2 cerita alia aisya ni...) hehehe
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
the so called "art of parenting" skills
entry ni sepatutnya nak letak anak oh anak coz it also involves my sons...tapi better put the above title...macam lebih sesuai gitu...hehehe...zaman kita sekarang ni, terlalu banyak articles, journals and publications on how to hanlde our children...mana tentang their foods, their behaviour, their intelligent quotient (IQ) etc etc...tapi bagi aku lah...cara mak bapak kita dedulu gak yang paling best....why did i say so? hhhmm, here's my story
we did some groceries shopping last nite...biasa lah..mana lagi kalu tidak itu french hypermarket yg org melayu sebut "carefour"...haihhh ni nak citer about how to handle kids bila dah masuk kat dlm supermarket yg luas tu...sesejak dua menjak ni, tempat ni introduced bakul plastik yg boleh diheret tu...aduh...pening seyh kepala tgk budak-budak berlari ke sana ke mari sambil tarik mende tu...tak terkecuali my, ibu bapa yg ada anak2 yg dah boleh berjalan dan berlari, apa kata anda? ok ke tak bakul ni? to me, macam menyusahkan...terjerit-jerit carik sorang kat section ni...sorang kat section lain...tau-tau bakul dia dah penuh dengan entah apa-apa barang...
aku : abanggggg...jangan la pegi sana..ikut mummy boleh tak (sambil push the steel trolley tu)
abang : alaaa..kejap je..tak jauh (then dia muncul dgn gula sekilo)
aku : adikkkkk...sini lahhhh (sebab dia pun pegi section lain)
adik : danish nampak mummy la (then dia dtg kat aku dgn ubat gigi kanak-kanak perisa oren)
aku : sini lahhhhhhhhhhhh...(sambil pilih barang-barang masuk dlm troli)
notes* baca yang aku punya ayat-ayat dengan nada jeritan ok! hehehehe
sambil aku pilih2 barang tu berdekatan dengan aku ada sorang daddy n 2 girls dlm troli...aku rasa dia penyabar sangat sebab dia suruh anak2 dia duk dendiam dengan cara yang cukup sopan...tapi 2 girls tu (i think they are twin sebab muka n saiz sama) tetap jugak tak reti duk diam...antara ayat-ayat yang guy tu cakap sepanjang kitorang dedekat time pilih barang tu :
1. duduk sayang
2. anak papa duduk elok-elok boleh tak
3. can u girls pls sit still in the trolley (dah masuk versi english), papa nak pilih barang...hahahaha
jangan tanya aku mana wife dia, sebab aku tak nampak pompuan dedekat ngan dia
then, kita pun go to different section dah since aku nak pi naik tingkat atas
sehinggalah aku dah hampir beli semua barang, aku turun tingkat bawah balik, then beratur nak pegi bayar (easier coz validate parking kat floor tu)
tengok kat lane sebelah, that guy dengan 2 girls tu tadi...and dah ada sorang pompuan yg aku assumed his wife pun beratur sekali...and the girls tetap tak duk diam dlm troli tu...sambil gaduh2...kekejap berdiri kekejap duduk
that guy : heyyy..duduk diam-diam boleh tak? sekali papa lempang karang nak? duduk!
the girls : muka terperanjat..tunduk muka dan terus duduk
abang : muka terperanjat jugak, then dia cakap "garang nya uncle tu mummy"
adik : datang near to me and terus beratur properly sambil peluk kaki aku
btw, that guy bukan jerit k! dia tempik...hahahaha
so, aku nak tanya korang, betul tak aku cakap cara mak bapak kita dedulu kira ok utk didik anak-anak...tak perlu segala jenis article n journal tu semua...correct?
dan, entry ini membuat aku teringat jelingan tajam, ketam batu, libasan talipinggang dll baik dari ayah atau mak aku..erkkk
Monday, April 28, 2008
this...made me smile
Ah Beng bought a new mobile. He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said, 'My Mobile No. Has changed. Earlier it was Nokia 3310 . Now it is 6610 (kunun canggih ah tu tepon dia)
Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College. Friend: Really, what is he studying. Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are studying him (either anak dia bahan ujikaji atau anak dia dah mati...hmmm)
Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok
Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game. (giler bola! hahaha!)
Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister (dasar jantan..sengal pun pandai gak bab-bab ni)
Ah Beng : People consider me as a 'GOD'
Wife: How do you know??
Ah Beng : When I went to the Park today, everybody said, Oh GOD! U have come again (huh! giler prasan mamat ni...hahaha)
Ah Beng complained to the police: 'Sir, all items are missing, except the TV in my house'
Police: 'How the thief did not take TV?'
Ah Beng : 'I was watching TV news...(pesal ko tak angkut dia sekali perompak oiiiiii)
Ah Beng comes back 2 his car & find a note saying 'Parking Fine'
He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole 'Thanks for complement.' (muahahahaha sengal!!)
How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases the board. (adoiii...parah dapat anak murid mcm ni)
Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other. So the man asked him why he did so. He replied that the weather forecast announced that on one hand it would be cold and on the other hand it would be hot (sengal again!!!)
Ah Beng in a bar and his cellular phone rings.
He picks it up and Says 'Hello, how did you know I was here?'
Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
Man : This is a race, the winner will get the cup
Ah Beng : If only the winner will get the cup, why others running?
Teacher : 'I killed a person' convert this sentence into future tense
Ah Beng : The future tense is 'u will go to jail' (pandai plak dia :P)
Ah Beng told his servant : 'Go and water the plants!'
Servant: 'It's already raining.'
Ah Beng : 'So what? Take an umbrella and go.' (sian maid dia sbb dpt boss bengong)
A man asked Ah Beng why Ahmad Badawi goes walking in the Evening and not in the morning Ah Beng replied Ahmad Badawi is PM not AM (muahahahaha...adeh la aiii)
p/s ...actually tak de idea nak taip apa ari post la jokes ni kat sini
Saturday, April 26, 2008
spring cleaning
yang aku delete :
1. loteri - loteri yang dimenangi...totalnya dah sampai 13 figures...that would be billion rite? out of 200plus emails...more than 160 adalah kemenangan loteri...darnnnn if only the money is real
2. jemputan - jemputan utk join ntah apa apa groups lagik - contohnya yang tidak aku hiraukan dan terus delete ialah zebo, jhoos, hoverspot, pagii, facebox (bukan facebook?) dan tubely...ada satu lagi tak ingat pe nama ada mcm tree tree la nama dia...i didnt know that theres so many of them on the net...semak!
3. forwarded emails yang entah ida nerina pun ada! bongok punya orang..sesuka ati ko je forward kat email yg aku guna utk ym...dah ah aku tgk mailbox ni 6 bulan sekali je...dah..syhuh from my life!
selain dari mendelete, aku gak dah join tagged dan friendster...sebabnya? telampau banyak request asking me to join those thing...n it came from dear friends yg kat YM...demi kamu kamu, aku rela register menatang tu...tapi tolonglah..jangan peningkan kepala aku macam mereka - mereka peningkan kepala aku kat Facebook...itu juga semak!
dah...penat..satu hari sampai 4 entry..bukan ada ramai orang pun yang baca :P
have a gud weekend pipel...luvs :X
Friday, April 25, 2008
institusi perkahwinan
huh! the title of this entry itself dah membayangkan sesuatu yg serius....hehehe..but not to worry, aku akan buat dia nampak seperti santai je :P
if anyone ask me do i believe in marriage...seyesli, my answer is no...TAPI...bak kata mak aku dulu..kalau ko tak kawin, macam mana nak dapat anak kak oii...
lemme explain her reason...she said anak adalah manusia yg akan sayang mak dia tanpa apa-apa condition...aku rasa memang tepat sekali...walau macam mana mak aku belasah aku dedulu setiap kali aku balik dr join dak lelaki main kombat dlm parit...tangkap berudu dlm longkang...aku tetap sayang mak aku..korang pun kan...ada sesapa yg lebih sayang ayah dia dari mak dia tak? i need to know..sebab nak buat perbandingan reason dia
she said, lelaki ni sayang kita bersebab kak (bahse moden nya man loves us with condition)..antaranya, sebab ko comel..sebab ko putih..sebab ko anak orang kaya (aku tak kaya)...sebab ko the most hotties around etc etc...once they r bored with the 'creative' reason, there goes down the drain lah all the luv tu...yg tinggal hatred..bosan tgk muka...ignorance dan yg sewaktu dengannya lah...tapi bila aku pikir-pikir balik, memang betul ah apa mak aku cakap tu...
entry ni tak de ending or kesimpulan...tapi aku kena pikir jap, antara anak dan perkahwinan...manakah yg lagi penting bagi aku...bling..aku dah dapat jawapannya :D
anak oh anak #3
i baru je unlock pintu rumah....letak kunci semua kat belakang pintu...buka tudung (baju blum lagi bukak :P)
adik : mummy, danish dapat belon (alahh u know belon yg dlm botol n kena tiup tu)
me : siapa kasi? (assuming, as i didnt give him any money this morning)
adik : senyum tp tak jawab
abang : dari jauh dia jerit..alia aisya kasi mummy..and he laugh
adik : buat muka penyek
me : turning my face away n gigles ( i cant laugh u know as he will bantai me if i laugh)
adik : he saw me senyum, dia datang dekat...angkat tangan dia konon nak strike me
me : i didnt say anything kan? napa nak pukul mummy plak...alaaa..mummy tau danish tak mintak..alia yg nak kasi kan?
abang : ahah...ntah apa apa lah adik mana ada gelak pun..kan mummy kan?
adik : smile n go to watch tv
me : haihhh kids nowadays (dlm hati)
btw, alia aisya is a very cute girl who has been following n haunting danish since they r 4 yrs...i know coz i've always seen her looking at danish...standing near him...lean on his fact, if she sees me alone, she will like terjengah2 tengok belakang....and i know because i was like that before (when i was in kindies)...hahahaha
btw, my son keep her pic in his pencil box u know :)) (alahh the pic yg slalu parents letak bila buat birthday pack tu)...n his abang always tease him about that...pastu dedua guling2 blasah each other...
to continue the story :
me : u always get things from her (kadang sticker la..pensil la..eraser la)...adik nak kasi apa kat alia pulak?
adik : entah la...danish tak tau
me : tak pe nanti mummy beli sweets or keropok, then u can give her ok
adik : untuk orang lain tak de ke
me : utk semua org nanti la masa ur birthday
adik : ok...(then senyap for a while)
adik : mummy, kalau danish kiss mcm danish kiss mummy boleh tak? on the cheek?
me : WHAT? omg! omg! omg! jangan nak oiiiii...(dlm hati : kang mak budak tu datang rumah terus nak buat menantu takpe..nak sound2 mummy tak larat dengar)
see see...i've told u all...they are BIG MAN in disguise
anak oh anak #2
abang : lambat nya makanan ni tiba mummy
me : nemind, u can have ur drinks first
abang : nak dengar teka-teki tak mummy...kalau mummy pandai, mummy jawab
me : ok, lets hear what it is
abang : banyak - banyak binatang, binatang apa yang paling kedekut..then he continue flipping the menu book
me : hhhmmm, mcm penah dengar...jap mummy pikir
i continue thinking n he continue bickering with his adik...btw, my husband was only watching them..senyap je tak kata apa
after few minutes, i give up
me : dah lah, whats the answer...mummy tak larat nak pikir dah ni (what a reason kan :P)
abang : kuda lah (n he grins wide)
me : why is that so? apa kuda buat yg dia jadi kedekut tu? (which i regret asking)
abang : bila dia jalan atau lari kan kaki dia bunyi 'kedekuk, kedekuk, kedekuk'
me : hahahaha (laughing out loud) son dah pandai teka teki sengal
as i said, i have to admit that they are not babies anymore
btw, i can imagine how handsome they will be when they are a fully grown up :D
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
i ride a motosikal to work today :)) hahahaha...the last time i did similar thing was like donkey years ago (more than 10 yrs la tak silap), that time used my bro's RXZ :P...tapi this time guna motor kapcai je husband's honda wave....the reason why i used the bike...hhmmm, apa lagi...itu org bernama suami kena guna kereta lah...dah lah hari baru lepas hujan...akak ni dgn kereknya takmo used windbreaker or jacket....jakun...kunun nak rasa the cool sweet morning breeze...hah..amik ko...asal jumpa lopak air je kena angkat kaki.....dah ah berbaju kurung pink hari ni :))
the best thing is, pulas throttle macam nak abis dah..rasa macam laju giler dah motor ni...tapi sekali tengok meter, huh! baru 60km/ wonder wat took me normally 20mins, hari ni took me almost 40mins to reach the office :P
dammmm my fingers, hands and shoulders semua cramp and stiff once i reached the office...once i sit in my room, switch on air cond...tu dia..keluar small dots on my baju n tudung :(( mesti air percik ah ni masa ride motosikal tadi...
alas, i've reached the office safe n sound...please pray for my safety for the 'on the way back' nya journey plak
chow...auditor dah jengah muka
Monday, April 21, 2008
working far
today, i've just been informed by my very close fren that shes leaving too...going off to qatar...follows her husband that got an offer from qatar petroleum...thats like very far...and even MAS doesnt have straight flight to qatar, thus the tickets are lil bit expensive
so, im in a dukacita mode not gonna have a fren that share her shoulders for me to cry on around anymore...surely phone calls gonna be out of the way...ym plak? hhhmmm time different...n she prefers sleep than pc screen...
sigh again....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
anak oh anak
may be macam dia tau2 mummy dia dah wake up, 5 mins after that, dia naik dengan swimming short dia n sengih2....abang pegi swimming mummy....tunggu mummy ngan daddy bangun lambat sangat..abang pergi lah sendiri...not to worry, abang dah pandai swimming dah...thats what he said...thats what a 7 years old boy said to me...and dengan muka selamba dia masuk bilik air, mandi and change all by himself....takut lah tu mummy dia ngamuk...
and u know what! its only 7.30 in the morning :(( :((
haih...nak marah pun tak jadi...i guess i have to be ready n acknowledge that my boys are not babies anymore... :((
sigh :-<
Friday, April 18, 2008
wat could luv do to u :( or
sad, insaf, kesian semua rasa ada....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Gemini Characteristics and Profile
Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites. Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world through a radio and Gemini can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change.
You Geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. Your mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making Gemini the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. Others will think that Gemini are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see Gemini as shallow.
Gemini motto might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." You are the eternally youthful child, no matter your chronological age. A razor-sharp wit can have you verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are your best of friends. As you fly through life, don't forget to take time to smell the flowers.
Element: Air
The astrological element of air represents movement. And the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators. They can be light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind.The air of Gemini is always changing direction. First the winds blow one way, then another. It's a metaphor for how our mind solves a puzzle, first thinking one way and then trying a different approach. This is a restless and searching wind.
Third House: Communication (dont ask me whats this, im also curious n cant figure what its all about)
The Third House symbolizes all aspects of communication -- and most communication happens within our immediate environment. Therefore this is also the house of our surrounding. Traditionally, this includes the type of interactions that happen between siblings, whether or not you actually have any. It also represents quick trips and short-distance travel.
Key Planet: Mercury
Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. He symbolizes our thoughts -- not only how we think, but how we communicate. In fact, Mercury is in charge of all language. Mercury is our active and rational mind. It is not only "just the facts" but also what we do with them. As the key planet of Gemini, Mercury is restless and changeable. It drives us to talk and to listen, but not necessarily to action.
Gemini Greatest Strength: Your curiosity about a variety of interests
Gemini Possible Weakness: Distracting yourself from what is most important
There u go...Long Live Gemini!!!
Hearts :X
sorethroat n flu
tp yang penting, chat mesti mau....muahahahaha
and i'm becoming more sarcastic and cynical by the days...tu lah, dulu org bebaik asik kena buli its my turn plak...tunggguuuuuu
Monday, April 14, 2008
Its a 60 days
The truth is, i do miss him...infact, i got blurry eyes while im typing this entry. Though he was brought up by our wan (grandmother), he was closest to me than the other brothers (fyi, im the only doter)...and he was also a GEMINI (born 9/6/78) same like we got a similar mak noticed it. he was also the most handsome among the 4 brothers that i frens always asked me if we are related to the KRU Group as he looks a lot like Yusry (not that i think Yusry is handsome though)
To my late Perol (Fairul Razi bin Abd. Latif), akak doakan semoga aman sentosa disana dan sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Al-Fatihah dikirim untuk kesejahteraanmu disana. Satu masa kita akan berjumpa dan berkumpul semula. Amin
Sunday, April 13, 2008
why do i start blogging


